Kyle Walker fotografato mentre lascia un nightclub di Milano con due donne dopo il rientro della moglie Annie Kilner nel Regno Unito con i figli 

Kyle Walker pictured leaving a Milan nightclub with two women after wife Annie Kilner returned to the UK with their children

Manchester City defender Kyle Walker has found himself embroiled in yet another off-field scandal, this time in Milan, as he tries to save his marriage to Annie Kilner. The 34-year-old right-back, currently on loan at Serie A giants AC Milan, was photographed leaving an exclusive nightclub in the early hours of the morning with two unidentified women, just days after his wife and their four children returned to the UK following a brief family reunion in Italy. The incident, first reported by *The Sun*, has brought Walker’s private life back into the spotlight, which has been plagued by controversy in recent years, including a paternity scandal with former *Love Island* contestant Lauryn Goodman.


The Night: A Review of Walker’s ‘Super VIP Glitz’

Walker’s night began at the Casa Cipriani Hotel, an exclusive venue frequented by Milan’s elite, where he dined with friends, including his Italian agent. The group then moved on to The Living Room Bar, a trendy hotspot known for its exclusivity, before ending the night at the Tocqueville 13 Lounge, a club known for its opulent clientele and prohibitive prices. According to witnesses, Walker’s entourage spent more than £5,300 ($6,700) on a “Super VIP” experience, securing a prime table in the heart of the venue.

The breakdown of expenses, as reported by *The Sun*, includes:

– £2,474 for a table reservation.

– £1,200 for a magnum of Dom Perignon champagne.

– £1,600 for a 1.75-litre bottle of Clase Azul Reposado tequila, a premium Mexican spirit loved by celebrities.

Sources described Walker as getting “physical” with two women, one of whom was seen with his arm around her waist as they left the venue. A valet reportedly picked up his electric BMW iX7—a vehicle that epitomizes Milan’s eco-luxury trend—before the group left around 3 a.m. Witnesses noted that while Walker avoided alcohol, his companions indulged freely, with one woman playfully tossing his hair as he touched it. “He looked like the cat that ate the cream,” one source said.

Family Tensions: Annie Kilner’s Return to the UK

The timing of Walker’s night out has raised eyebrows, coming just 24 hours after Annie Kilner, his wife of three years (and partner of more than 12), flew to England with their four children. The couple had been spotted together days earlier in Milan’s luxury shopping district, Quadrilatero della Moda, fuelling speculation they were attempting to reconcile after months of separation. Kilner, 31, was due to travel to Italy to support Walker during his loan, but cut her stay short.


Amici intimi alla famiglia suggeriscono che Kilner sia “esausta” dalle ripetute indiscrezioni di Walker. “Annie vuole credere che sia cambiato, ma episodi come questo lo rendono impossibile”, ha rivelato un insider. La relazione della coppia è stata sotto pressione dal 2020, quando Walker ammise di aver avuto un figlio con Lauryn Goodman durante una breve separazione da Kilner. La rivelazione è riemersa nel 2023 quando Goodman annunciò di aspettare il secondo figlio di Walker, nonostante la riconciliazione con Kilner.

Un pattern di controversie: la storia di scandali di Walker

L’ultima avventura di Walker si aggiunge a una lista crescente di controversie extra-campo che hanno offuscato la sua illustre carriera. Noto per la velocità fulminea e le doti difensive in campo, la vita privata del difensore è spesso finita sui tabloid:

1. Violazione delle restrizioni COVID nel 2020 Durante la pandemia, Walker si scusò per aver organizzato una festa con escort, violando le regole del lockdown nel Regno Unito.

2. Scandalo di paternità La sua relazione con Lauryn Goodman portò alla nascita di due figli, un maschio nel 2020 e una femmina nel 2023. Kilner, che ha tre figli maschi e una neonata con Walker, condannò pubblicamente il suo comportamento “irresponsabile”.

3. Scuse pubbliche Walker ha più volte espresso rimorso, dichiarando in un’intervista del 2023: “Ho commesso errori che hanno ferito chi amo di più. Sto lavorando per migliorare”.

Nonostante queste rassicurazioni, i critici sostengono che le azioni di Walker a Milano rivelino un divario tra parole e comportamenti. Gli esperti di relazioni commentano: “La riconciliazione richiede sforzo costante e trasparenza”, afferma la psicologa Dr. Emily Harper, specializzata in matrimoni sotto i riflettori. “Episodi pubblici come questo possono erodere la fiducia, specie se un partner sta già affrontando un trauma da tradimento”.

Il prestito al Milan: una nuova partenza o una fuga?

Il trasferimento in prestito al Milan nel gennaio 2024 è stato presentato come una mossa strategica per la carriera, offrendogli minutaggio regolare in Serie A dopo opportunità limitate al Manchester City. Tuttavia, fonti interne suggeriscono che il trasferimento servisse anche come reset emotivo dopo il crollo del matrimonio.

“Kyle sperava che il cambio di scenario lo aiutasse a concentrarsi”, ha rivelato una fonte vicina al giocatore. “Ma restare solo a Milano senza la famiglia lo ha isolato”. Mentre Walker ha performato bene in campo, contribuendo alla corsa del Milan per la Champions League, la sua attività sui social—piena di selfie in palestra e serate fuori—suggerisce un uomo alle prese con la solitudine.

Compagni di squadra lo avrebbero esortato a cercare supporto psicologico. “Il club lo sostiene professionalmente, ma le questioni personali sono private”, ha dichiarato un portavoce del Milan.

Audience Reactions: Sympathy, Blame, and Double Standards

The episode has polarized opinion. On social media, critics have attacked Walker for “privileging fun over parenting,” while others have defended his right to have fun. “He’s human—let him live,” one fan tweeted. However, feminist groups have highlighted the gender scrutiny Kilner has faced: “Annie is expected to ‘stand by her husband,’ while Kyle’s antics are dismissed as ‘childish,'” activist Maria Lopez argued.

Meanwhile, Lauryn Goodman, whose Instagram posts about co-parenting with Walker often go viral, has remained silent. Friends say she is “focusing on her kids” but is “pained by the ongoing drama.”

What will happen to Walker and Kilner?

Legal experts suggest Kilner could be initiating a divorce, with Walker’s alleged infidelity potentially affecting financial arrangements under British law. However, the couple’s history of reconciliations complicates that prediction. “Annie has forgiven him before, but this feels like the final straw,” one friend shared.

For Walker, the stakes go beyond marriage. Sponsors like Nike and EA Sports monitor his conduct, with reputational clauses common in athlete contracts. On the pitch, Milan must decide whether to extend his loan, balancing his talent with the distractions of his private life.

Conclusion: A Crossroads for Kyle Walker

Walker’s Milanese night embodies the duality of his existence: a world-class athlete striving for professional longevity and a man whose personal mistakes threaten to eclipse his legacy. As he navigates this new storm, the defender faces a crucial choice—commit to genuine change or risk losing not only his family, but the respect of his fans and colleagues. For Annie Kilner, the journey is equally complex, balancing the love of her children with the need to protect her emotional well-being.

In the arena of public opinion, Walker’s story is a cautionary tale about fame, responsibility, and the fragility of trust. As one fan tweeted: “Speed ​​saves you on the field, Kyle. But off the field, time is running out.”

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